September birthstone: Sapphire

The birthstone for September is sapphire! One of the most popular choice for color gemstones, this precious mineral is long associate with loyalties and the nobles. For most, the first impression comes to mind is the royal blue of sapphire. True that the vibrant yet classy shade of blue would leave way more than a remark, and better yet sapphire comes in many different colors making this gemstone fun to work with.

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The toughness of sapphires is one the the best feature working with this material. The wide range of shades color sapphire has allows me to explore different color combinations of gemstones. Pink, orange, white, and of course the classic blue. Their brilliant colors are just amazing to use as center stone, as well as utilizing for contrast or accent.

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#September birthstone


#Sapphire ring

#Sapphire necklace

#Color sapphire

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Chan Morris