2 in 1 ring
Wedding is one of the most important moment in life. Over years I heard numerously on soon to wed couples have a hard time finding the ideal wedding band. Sure, the bride to be love her engagement ring, but the difficult part is having a wedding band that matches perfectly. And most of the bridal ring set out there are rather plain.
Usually the engagement ring is purchase without having the wedding band in mind. Sometimes the soon to be wed couples find wedding bands they like and it matches with the engagement ring alright, they do not go against each other visually, but the two rings co-exist in a rather plain and simple way. In my option, the most important jewelry in life should be a lot more than that. The wedding band and engagement ring would tell a much more interesting story and create a bigger visual impact if the design of the two rings can merge together and become one.
Having that in my mind I create a series of 2 in 1 rings. The initial idea is to design 2 pieces wedding and engagement rings set, the result are rings with an alternative and non-traditional taste, making them not exclusive for brides only.
I design these rings with a special interlocking system. As in the goal of this design, rings are not just stack together, more importantly they overlap and interlock on each other to complete the design as a whole. And of course, each ring can be wear independently, chic and minimalist on its own.
#Bridal ring set
#2 in 1 ring
#Wedding and engagement set
#Wedding ring set
#Engagement ring set
#2 rings set