The Eye of Horus ring

The Eye of Horus is a symbol of many faceted. Much depends on the context the Eye have many interpretation and many meanings. Originate from Egypt, the Eye is commonly interpret as a symbol for protection. In Turkey and many middle eastern culture the similar meaning is adopted, commonly use til nowadays as an amulet for protection. To conspiracy theorist they believe it is a secret signs of the elite, a sign of control thus we can see the symbol everywhere in pop culture. Just like many ancient symbols and signs, the Eye of Horus has been used for a long time hence it's meaning and interpretation are often convoluted where much depends on the context.

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I see it as a symbol for protection and design this piece. No matter which way your like to interpret, this evil eye ring is a cool piece of jewelry to wear. All designed with Fibonacci sequence or the golden radio, plus the pupil is set with a raw diamond for maxim power. You can wear this evil eye ring and it will sure offer you good protection.

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#Eye of Horus

#Evil eye

#Evil eye ring

#Eye ring

#Raw diamond ring

Chan Morris